July 27, 2013

Real Estate agents can download high-resolution and FMLS-sized photos directly from the gallery to their computers. You can download all the photos in a gallery or only selected ones.

Agents can access their galleries at any time by either,

a. Going directly to the website, click on Client Access and type your Access Code which will take you directly to all your listings (I can email you the access code if you don't have one yet)

or by,

b. Using the gallery link provided in an email which will take you directly to a specific listing where you can see both the hi-res and the lo-res galleries

NOTE: These instructions are for Windows 7 users. Earlier versions of Windows work pretty similar.

1.  Click on “Select Photos” on the right and click on “Show All” at the bottom of the page so you can see all the photos in the gallery at once. 

2.  You can either “Select All”  and then click on “Download” to download all images or click only the photos you wish to download and then click on Download.

3.  Click on the little arrow pointing down next to "Save" then choose "Save and open" and choose which folder on your computer you wish to save the zip file to. You’ll need to remember this location so you can go there and unzip the files before you can use them.






4.  Click on "Extract all files". Notice that my zip files get automatically save to my Downloads folder on my hard drive. Take note to where your zip files are being saved so you can go back to tha folder if you need to.


















5.  Click on "Extract". Your photos will be unzipped and ready to use.


















If you have any questions or problems please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be more than happy to help you out.

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